TLB: Natural Beauty of the Week

This is something I have been wanting to do on the blog for a while now, so introducing a new weekly feature.

TLB: Natural Beauty of the week.

1.What is your name, age, and where are you from?
Brandy, 30 YO, Bossier City, LA
2. Why did you go back to natural, and how long have you been natural?
I went to natural because I was tired of going to the beauty shop every week and I wanted to stop perming my hair. I’ve been natural for only one year

3. Transition or Bc

4. Do you feel your style has changed since becoming natural?
The only thing that’s really changed about my style, I’m wearing more MU (makeup) now
5. Favorite hair accessory?

Elastic headbands and my wide tooth comb are my favs. My hair is super thick

6. Favorite products?
Quench, AP Olive Oil and Water

7. Do you have a regimen ?

No, I really don’t have a regimen

8. What advice would you give to new naturals?
Make your natural hair experience your own don’t worry about what people will say
9. Ways to stay connected online?
 Twitter-@foreverbrandy82~    FB-Brandy White
10. Anything else you would like to add!
I love being Naturally Me