TLB: Natural of the Week

1.What is your name, age, and where are you from?

My name is Rorri Blackwell. I am 35, soon to be 36 (Jan 19th), and I’m from Bedford Hts., Ohio

2. Why did you go back to natural, and how long have you been natural?

I’ve been natural since July of 2011, so going on 18 months. I went back natural due to having a medical issue that made it difficult for me to make my standing hair appointments. I will say that going back to natural has caused my overly dry scalp to clear up.

3. Transition or Bc

I transitioned for 11 months.

4. Do you feel your style has changed since becoming natural?

My style has changed since I decided to go natural. I think natural hair is a little more edgy, so I have kind of spiced my style up a little. I also make a better effort to accessorize and make my self up to pull the total look together.

5. Favorite hair accessory?

My favorite hair accessory would be my silk scarves and my head bands,

6. Favorite products?

I love Mrs. Calvis’s Crisco mix, The Cream of Nature Argan Oil product line, the As I am cleansing pudding and Argan edge control as on the list of my favorite products.

7. Do you have a regimen ?

My regimen is not a strict regimen, but I do have one. I try to wash once a week as well as cowash once a week. I DC every other week now. I flat twist at the top of the week for my twist out and then I do chunky 2 strand twists nightly if I want to wear my twist out or I pineapple if I am gonna wear a puff.

8. What advice would you give to new naturals?
I would tell the new naturals to figure out what works for them. Find out what YOUR hair loves. I had to learn that my hair journey was MY journey. Everything that  worked for others didn’t work for me. I is definitely to learn by trial and error.

9. Ways to stay connected online?

You can follow me on Instagram at thee_1_nonlymzrorri – I will follow back.
You can check out my facebook page
I also have a natural hair blog on chicly natural website called Posh Curl Friends which will launch January 11th

10. Anything else you would like to add!

I would like to thank turtlelovesbeauty for the opportunity to tell my story. I appreciate it!